Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Responding, finally, to your last post.

Hey, sorry about all that. My excuse is the same as yours, school, and the fact that I've a bunch of social tings to attends. Birthdays, parties, baby-sitting, the whole shabang.
So here is what I have to say to your suggestion:

I like the idea of flashing back to the underworld. I was thinking that we could both play Hades (using red text or something to show that is was Hades) and we each could pick up one more character to interact with our main characters. One of us could get the Hell Hunter that goes after our characters, and the other could be the friend.

How does that sound?


  1. Ooh, I like it. Do you want to be the Hunter or the helper? I'm leaning towards the Hunter myself (I'm thinking fallen angel or something)but if you don't want to be the helper just say so.
    ALSO: Should we plan out a bit further in the plot? It seems like we've gotten about as far as we planned in any actual depth (escape from underworld, awkwardness and spite ensue, ect)

  2. I could play either one.
    Though playing a friendly person sounds nice.
    Lailie really isn't very nice o3o...
    So I might make up someone playful.
    For the heck of it.
    Maybe a faun/Pan-like character :D
    And planning would help, though I'm not sure as to what.
    What did you have in mind?

  3. Hmm, honestly I didn't really have anything in mind for the helper, but now that you've said that, I love the faun/Pan/satyr idea
    oh, you were asking about the plot. Duh. Well, if the helper is a faun than he would already be abouve the underworld. Obviously I'll be coming from the underworld to get them. What if the hunter is follwing them, they don't realize it, and the helper (who does realize it) gets them to hide. We have a 'oh look at the scary thing thats passing by. It almost go us' moment. Then (maybe its because I just finnished rereading the Percy Jackson series, but right now I'm thinking that fauns/satyrs can smell monsters) because s/he can smell monsters/dosen't like the underworld/dosen't want them to die/has nothing better to do/ect, comes along with them, wheth they want him to or not (I say or not, because I have no idea what his/her personality is going to be like)
    after that, mayby they could start heady for a city, Lailie remembers that thats where her ex-boyfriend lives, and so really wants to go there.

  4. Ooh, I love it!
    Sounds amazing.
    Lets get our new characters set up and we can go about putting this to action, yes?
