Saturday, December 12, 2009


here, this is what I'm gonna use...haven't filled it out yet, but I'm using it. Tell me if you think stuff needs to be added.
(Edit:) Got it done-

Username: RobinGoodfellow/Lokii
Name:Kassidy “Kass” Newer (don’t call him Kassidy though, he really hates that name)
Race: Shade
Age: 15 as far as he can tell. He’s really not sure. He didn’t start counting until after he came to this dimension, and then he up and got killed so, meh.
Weapon(s): none. And that’s the way it should probably stay. He’s a bit hopeless when it comes to weapons.
Magic: he has the potential to use magic, but doesn’t know how, and he’s rather wary to learn
Ablilities: Shades are interdimensional creatures, meaning they can pass between this world and the netherworld with ease. He can take objects (ie- cloths, packages, ect) but people and living things are harder. Shades also disappear in direct sunlight, something they can’t control, and for the purpose of going invisible, they would have to do it in the nude, otherwise there are cloths hanging in midair. Then as soon as they’re in the shadows again…it’s not very helpful. He can make shields of a sort (in the picture he’s doing it. It’s the black thing) but it takes energy. If the shield holds, he can take the energy back, but if the shield is broken/smashed/whatever, then, well, he can’t get it back.
Fears/Faults: He’s very bad at fighting, and has a slight blood phobia (yeah, he’s kinda a weenie). A bit unsure of himself. He could be a good leader, but he doesn’t trust himself to lead. Really doesn’t like to be the center of attention.
Word Color and Font: Grey Century Gothic (not sure how to get the font up)
Past: he was summoned from the netherworld when he was very young by a sorcerer who used him as a familiar for about 14 years or so. Eventually he was killed, and Kass thought that he was free. Unfortunately for him, it turned out he was still bonded with the sorcerer, and so when the sorcerer was sentenced to eternal dammination and Hades claimed his soul, ect, ect, Kass’s soul was claimed too. Not really having done anything out of free will he couldn’t be given a serious torture for all of eternity, so he became just another slave, the fate of those who never actually did anything in their lifetimes, but were all around stingy, spiteful, jerk faces. He’s not really sure how much time has passed since then, as time dosen’t really exist in the underworld.
Other: An intellectual, quite smart, very calm, but when caught off guard will freak out. Hates being mistaken for a girl (the name doesn’t help much either). He’s a bit detached from the rest of the world, probably the result of his boredom.
Appearence: (drawing pic)


  1. Awesomeness :D
    But quick question: When you say "Username" do you mean something like your username is "Lokii" and mine is "Patience" or where you planning to do this on Mene? If it's the latter, you'll have to give me a minute or two to dig up my password. It's been forever since I've been on there.

  2. I was thinking that we were going to do it on Mene. Did you want to do it here?

  3. I can do it on Mene. I just wanted to make sure.
    Let me find my password and I'll find you on Mene. And I'll fill out my profile :D
